Throughout the academic calendar year, I am invited to guest teach at a dozen Thespian Conferences and Festivals. I also direct, coach, and judge individual and group Thespian events.
I have been an invited guest teaching-artist at both the EdTA National and International Thespian Festivals.
Some of my popular workshops titles include:
Decoding Viola Spolin’s Theater Games – teachers only
Govern Yourselves with Love, Kindness, and Service to Others – theatre for social change
Improv a Musical – longform technique
Improv a Play – longform technique
Improv on Screen – longform technique
Improv This! – improv theater games
Theatre Kin Powers Activate – applied theater & career workshop
If you are interested in having me teach at your school, thespian chapter or theater festival, please consider inviting me. (No conference is too small or too big.) And I am happy to work within your budget.
Visit my Thespian Youtube playlist to watch me in action.